WP Multisite or Network Site

What is WordPress Multisite?

WordPress Multisite is a special “mode” built into WordPress, which allows you to create a network of multiple websites, all running on a single installation of WordPress.

Years ago, WordPress Multisite was a completely separate version of WordPress, called WordPress MU (stands for multi-user). WordPress 3.0 introduced a major shift, whereby WordPress MU was merged with regular WordPress, and renamed “WordPress Multisite.” It became a feature, which can be turned on or off.

What’s Different?

If you’ve worked with WordPress, but not WordPress Multisite, you’re probably wondering what is different between the two. Here are the main differences.

    • The “Super Administrator” Role: In regular WordPress, the “administrator” role has the highest permissions on the site. WordPress Multisite still has an administrator role for each site, but there is also the “super administrator.” The super administrator has access to every site on the network, with the ability to manage everything on every site.
    • Network Admin: In addition to the dashboard for each individual site on a WordPress Multisite network, there is another admin dashboard called the “network admin.” This is where one can manage settings on a network-wide basis. Only super administrators can access this area.
    • Plugins and Themes: Another important difference between WordPress and WordPress Multisite is how plugins and themes are managed. In WordPress Multisite, plugins and themes are installed in the network admin, and are available for use across any site in the network. There are two ways to activate a plugin or theme: At the network admin level, you can “network activate” a plugin or “network enable” a theme. This will make the plugin active or make the theme available for use across every site in the network. The other way is to activate the plugin or theme at the single site level for each individual site.

Enabling WordPress Multisite/Netword Site:

1. http://premium.wpmudev.org/manuals/wpmu-manual-2/creating-a-network-to-enable-wordpress-multisite/

2. http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network


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